10 handy tips to arrange furniture and make your room look bigger

10 handy tips to arrange furniture and make your room look bigger

Furniture makes a home looks elegant, beautiful and well-maintained depending on the way you place it and arrange it. What is a home without furniture? Well, nothing more than a house! We all love to decorate our homes with beautiful, antique and exquisite furniture but we often wonder- what is the best way to arrange the furniture in a way that it fits well and the home looks larger.

10 handy tips to arrange furniture and make your room look bigger

No wonder, furniture pieces occupy most of the space in our homes and yet we cannot do away with them. Some of them are the essential pieces while others are there to enhance the show. Here in this article we will be talking about the different way in which we can arrange our furniture and yet make the home look bigger.

  1. Focus on the Purpose

Be clear when it comes to purchasing furniture

Before you purchase and arrange your furniture, have the main purpose clear in your mind. What will that room serve as and how many people are going to be there at max at one time. Having this kind of understanding will help you arrange your furniture in the best possible way. Also, the distance between the furniture pieces should be maintained keeping the purpose in mind.

  1. Focus on Room

Arrange your furniture as per the focal point of your room. It can be a TV, large window or a fireplace that you want to be the focus of that particular room. For example, if you wish to place your TV in that room, make sure that distance between TV and seating is 120 inches for a 40inch set.

  1. Prioritize large pieces

Place the bigger pieces first such as sofa set, bed etc and then arrange the smaller places so as to make the room look in harmony.

  1. Plan the layout

How do you want your room to look like and what kind of layout do you want it to have. Mainly there are two kinds of layouts: symmetrical and asymmetrical. While the former is good for formal purpose, the latter reflects a casual atmosphere.

  1. Keep Space For Moving

This is one of the most important aspects to consider, do not forget to keep traffic moving. There should not be any hindrance in the way especially in rooms with double doors. Your furniture pieces should not look as if placed in the way. This not only ensures comfort and safety but also makes your room look more organized and thoughtfully done.

  1. Magic of Strips

To make your room look spacious, add strips in your beddings and covers. Strips create an illusion to elongate your room and make it look bigger. You can try strip sofa with lines aligned lengthways. The power of colors and pattern is really remarkable and magical when it comes to creating illusions

  1. Reflect

Mirrors reflect light and colors and make your room look bigger. Wonder why even a small room with mirrored walls looks so bigger that you can’t guess the path. Well, use the same trick in style. Place mirrors lengthways for optimal effect.

  1. Hang Low

Make sure to hang you art pieces and paintings lower than usual so as to create an illusion of higher ceiling. When you do not have your paintings hung high, they leave some free space that makes the room feel larger.

  1. Open the room

Room with bigger and open window look larger as natural light peeps in to fill it with brightness. Do not place any furniture in the way of door or window, keep the space open so as to create an illusion of larger room. The windows also connect the room with outdoors and create an illusion of depth.

  1. Experiment with angles

Try to discover an angle to arrange furniture that makes your room look larger. The best way is to place the pieces diagonally as it allows smooth eye movement around the room. Also, angled furniture draws attention to the larger focal point of the room.